Helmut Hartl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.









(please, feel free to contact me about publications which are not offered for download at this site)

Hartl, H, „Brückenverstärkung durch Aufbeton“, FSV-Verkehrstag 2009, Wien, pp 28-30, 2009
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Hartl, H, „Die neue RVS 15.02.34 – Bemessung und Ausführung von Aufbeton auf Fahrbahnplatten“, Innsbrucker Bautage 2009, Hsg: J. Feix & A. Andreatta, Universität Innsbruck, Massivbau und Brückenbau, pp 181-194, 2009
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Kernbichler K., Linder J., Hartl H., "Tragverhalten nachträglich ergänzter Fahrbahnplatten", Bericht über das Straßenforschungsvorhaben 3.287 des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie", F-10-05-2006, Graz University of Technology, 2006
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Hartl H., "Design and Full Scale Test of Blast Proof Concrete Containment with Steel fibres", 1st Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering - Fibre Reinforced Concrete in Practice, 8.-9. Sept. 2005, Graz, 2005
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Hartl H., "Advanced Analysis of Reinforced Concrete", Wagner A., Uzunoglu T., Brücken Bauen – Bogen Spannen, Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Nesitka, Graz, 2004, pp 35-47
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Hartl H., “Kontinuumsmechanik in der Stahlbeton-Praxis - Nachweis von Tragreserven an drei Beispielen”, Beton und Stahlbetonbau, Ernst&Sohn, 99.Jg., Heft 1, 2004, pp 33-43
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Hartl H, “Development of a Continuum-Mechanics-Based Tool for 3D Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures”, Second International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Rome, 2003
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Adam D., Hartl H. “Austrian National Report”, Katzenbach R. (ed.), Interaction between structural and geotechnical engineers, Thomas Telford, 2003, pp 26-29

Hartl, H., “Mutual benefits by modeling soil and structure within the same mechanical approach”, Katzenbach R. (ed.), Interaction between structural and geotechnical engineers, Thomas Telford, 2003, pp 76 - 79
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Hartl H., “Development of a Continuum-Mechanics-Based Tool for 3D Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Application to Problems of Soil-Structure Interaction”, Doctoral Thesis, Graz University of Technology, 2002
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Hartl H., Handel Ch., “3D finite element modeling of reinforced concrete structures”, fib 2002 Osaka Congress, 13.-19. October 2002, Japan, 2002, CD C
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Hartl H., Pernthaner M., “Soil anchors modeled by an embedded formulation allowing slip”, Proceedings of the second international conference on soil structure interaction in urban civil engineering, COST Action C7, Institute for Geotechnical Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich, 2002, pp. 123-128
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Hartl H., Kernbichler K., Brandauer F., “Tragverhalten nachträglich ergänzter Stahlbetonplatten”, Seminar Brückenmanagement, Stainz 25.4.2002, Tagungsumdruck, 2002

Hartl H., Sparowitz L., “Numerische Untersuchung des Tragverhaltens nachträglich ergänzter Stahlbetonplatten“, Bericht, Institut für Betonbau, TU-Graz, 2002

Lerchner Ch., Hartl H., “Tragverhalten kastenförmiger Brückenwiderlager - Ein dickwandiges elastisch gebettetes Faltwerk”, Beton und Stahlbetonbau, Ernst&Sohn, 96.Jg., Heft 4, 2001, pp 196-203
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Hartl, H. “Drei dimensionale kontinuumsmechanische FE-Modellierung von Stahlbeton-konstruktionen”, Beton und Stahlbetonbau, Ernst&Sohn, 96.Jg., Heft 4, 2001, p 276
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Hartl H., Sparowitz L., Elgamal A., “The 3D computational modeling of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures”, Bergmeister K. (ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Vienna, 2000, vol. 2, pp 69-79
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Hartl, H., Elgamal A., “Nicht lineare kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung vorgespannter Konstruktionen (Non Linear Modeling of Prestressed Structures based on a Continuum Mechanics Approach)”, Heft 45, Österreichische Vereinigung für Beton- und Bautechnik, Vienna, 2000, pp. 87-96
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Hartl H., Beer G., “Computational modeling of reinforced concrete structures”, Freytag B., Stebernjak B. (Hsg.), Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Lutz Sparowitz, TU-Graz, 2000, pp. 105-114
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de Melo L., Hartl H., "Lade and Kim Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Model: Implementation Into a FEM Code", Conference in Brasil, 1997
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DI Dr. Helmut Hartl- Jacob Rauschenfels Gasse 35 - 7000 Eisenstadt